W2ATF- Beware

Share information regarding your recently completed deals with other ham operators. ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with the transaction can post in this forum. If you have a report of a scam by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead.
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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:01 pm

W2ATF- Beware

Post by ni4f »

Beware of listings posted by this ham, Michael Schaff. I had to cancel a bank check I sent him yesterday in the mail when I saw the same ad today being listed at a lower price. Also suspicious was his providing an alternate address to the one contained on QRZ.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Sep 04, 2023 6:48 pm

Re: W2ATF- Beware

Post by mschaff »

If your check had arrived in a reasonable time I would not have relisted the item at a cheaper price. If you think about it... you could have asked for the cheaper price once you saw it relisted and I would have been happy to give it to you. Not really a Beware worthy post in my opinion.
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