Postal money orders are the way to go

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Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by AF2Q »

When I have a confirmed sale the item is boxxed up and when I receive the money order,I take it and the box to the post office.
I cash the money order,pay the fee and ship out the box at the same time
Saves me a trip to the bank.
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Post by N9LCD »


Your Post Office will cash a postal money order ONLY IF they have enough cash on hand to keep operating the rest of the day and to cash any other money orders that may come in.

I asked at my P.O.


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Post by kb9wzj »

Bob, I agree 100%. One stop shop at your local Post Office.
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N9LCD IS RIGHT!!!!!!!!

Post by W4FJF »

N9LCD wrote:WRONGO!!!

Your Post Office will cash a postal money order ONLY IF they have enough cash on hand to keep operating the rest of the day and to cash any other money orders that may come in.

I asked at my P.O.


(Choose your pet expletive)!
I had the same disappointing problem at my post office. A small town Post Office cannot handle $525 money orders, so I went to the main post office in Montgomery, Al. Some of these postal workers are nasty wastes of space, I think they dream up ways to screw with you. Small town post offices suck.
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Post by rv555 »

Postal Money orders are as insecure as Western Union. The Post Office does not care about the business transaction. So they will not get involved with the reason why you sent the money order. Cashiers checks are just as bad even though you can stop payment it is still costly.

The only way that you can 100% protect yourself from a transaction going south is to use PAYPAL or XOOM or similar transaction facilitator AND use a credit card. Preferably one that is NOT associated with PAYPAL. PAYPAL has become internationally accepted and you can use your own credit card.

Offer to pay the PAYPAL fees which are about 3%, that is a small price to pay for security. If the seller refuses to accept those terms then don't do business. The point of doing business is to transfer money. The seller controls how the goods are presented and delivered, the buyer controls how funds are transfered.

If the transaction goes south by either faulty goods, damaged goods, or failure to deliver then the credit company will ALWAYS refund your money. Of course you have to show them WHY the refund is warranted but a few photographs and documentation is all that is needed. And of course you have to return the goods. But document it well AT THE POST OFFICE, because the Post Office IS an authority and has federal investigative and law enforcement ability. Fedex, UPS or DHL won't be bothered. And insure it going back. The Post Office is also very good at what they do.


Better yet close the deal in person and save yourself the shipping and insecurity. If the seller INSISTS on Western Union or USPO money order and refuses anything else then walk away AS chances are there WILL be problem. To all those who fall into this category I can only say this: It is the 21st century get with the program. If you feel the need to "hide" transactions from the IRS or otherwise keep your transaction "off the grid" then that is your problem not mine.

And ALWAYS insure the package and if it is damaged OPEN it in the presence of the delivery agent.
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by kg8lb »

Postal Money Orders are the scammer's favorite tool . I am always wary of the selleer who claims not to take Paypal because they abused him in some way . I have seen Paypal thwart a few con-artists . The common response from those con-artists is to claim victim status . I don't give them any benefit of doubt . Avoid the money order / check trap . Just look at the reports in this board and take note that the scammers prefer money orders by a large margin .

I also tend to avoid the "seller" who asks you to either pay the fees or make a "gift" payment . The gift payment means just theat , you GAVE him the money , he owes you nothing . Any demand that the buyer pays the Paypal fees is contrary to the agreement that the seller made with Paypal . If the seller is not honrable enough to abide by that agreement , there is no reason to believe he will be honorable in his dealings with you . Decline the offer and let the dishonorable seller know why !

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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by K4SAX »

Just because someone does not use Paypal does not make them a crook. Paypal is not a bank and is not FDIC insured, and if you ever have a problem with them you have no authority to go to that can work on your behalf. They make their own decisions whether it is right or wrong, and there is NOTHING you can do about it.

I was an eBay powerseller and had a feedback score of over 1200 with 100% positive feedback. Someone used a stolen credit card to purchase something from me and Paypal accused me of being in on it. They still to this day (5 years later) have over $1800 of my money and it put me out of business. There is no place I could go to appeal their decision. And there are THOUSANDS of people in the same situation that I was. A quick Google search will show you.

Now not everyone that complains or has issues with Paypal is honest - some were indeed crooks. But it goes the other way, too. Just because you don't use Paypal does not make you a crook. Nice painting you did there with a broad brush.
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by kg8lb »

Not at all painting with a broad brush . Your oversimplification and mis-summation is not in any way a representation of what I said . Where in the WORLD did I say that EVERY person who refuses Paypal is a crook ? I didn't !
As a buyer however , it is safest to consider MOST of them as questionable at best . Your credit card issue is nothing to me as a buyer !
What I was saying was that I would be very wary of the person who refuses Paypal or bashes Paypal claiming that as a seller they were abused ! Guilty parties always blame the authority that convicted them , some are innocent but most are indeed guilty .

I have seen absolutely fraudulent sellers virulently blame the buyer and Paypal when they were caught red-handed .

Furthermore Money Orders offer next to ZERO protection against scammers .They only make certain the money gets to the scammer's hand rather than some thief in the Mail system .
There have been plenty of cases right here in the former feedback area where the money order was issued and no goods were delivered or less than described . In every case that I have ERSONALLY witnessed Paypal came through and thwarted the dishonest seller . From the buyer's standpoint , Paypal offers a level of protection that money orders cannot approach . And YES , I am very wary of dealing with a person I know nothing about , refusing Paypal claiming they have been burned by Paypal . He may be just fine but there is that added element of doubt .
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by ratpussell »

I agree that USPostal money orders are the way to go. I had purchased a piece of equipment, and it did not come for weeks. I contacted the local Post Master. The individual received a 45 page questioaire. My money was returned within a couple of days! Something about a $10,000 fine and up to 5 years in federal prison made a difference

The others are correct, most post offices do not carry thousands of dollars in cash. If the buyer sends multiple lower values, it helps the post office. My local PO will carry more $ if you let them know!
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by KK4QYV »

Pay Pal! Who in this day and age dont use paypal??
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by kg8lb »

KK4QYV wrote:Pay Pal! Who in this day and age dont use paypal??
You bet !
The obvious answer is scammers LOVE money orders ! Scammers bash Paypal continually . Scammers know how to beat the system and they know darn well how hard it is to prosecute scammers who have been paid VIA money order .
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by k4pdm »

I agree that Paypal is the way to go, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned that you can deposit USPS money orders at your bank, and don't have to worry about how much money the post office has on hand.

73, Paul K4PDM
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by wb9otx »

k4pdm wrote:I agree that Paypal is the way to go, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned that you can deposit USPS money orders at your bank, and don't have to worry about how much money the post office has on hand.

73, Paul K4PDM
My post office will not cash any money order no matter what the amount. I must take them to the bank.
I paid for a radio part with a money order - the receiver would not cash or return the MO or send the goods.
I am out the price of the MO. There is no way to stop payment on
the Money order to recover my money.
Last edited by wb9otx on Sun May 01, 2016 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by NK7Z »

Paypal is without a doubt the way to go... If I see a seller whining about Paypal, I move on... I have no idea if the seller is a good seller or a bad seller, or if the seller just likes to whine at the fees involved, nor do I care... I move on and only buy from PayPal vendors.

I have had two issues in 15 or so years of deals, (hundreds of purchases, and sales), all using PayPal, and in both cases, PayPal kept me from loosing my bucks to a buyer that failed the "item is not as described" test...

If a buyer wants to not use PayPal, they can, I and it would seem many others simply won't do business with them...
73's and thanks,
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by ah7i »

I only use paypal as a guest and only for credit card purchases where a postal money order is not practical/possible. For example, I bought a small kit from QRP labs the other day. It was the only way to get them their $55 short of a wire transfer which would have cost me $20.

I suppose not being worried that every ham I meet is out to scam me makes it easier to deal with the USPS payment. In fact, I have yet to have a problem using USPS money orders to buy used ham stuff. If I were half as paranoid about my fellow hams as some posting here I'd be spending my money and time on fishing.

73, -Bob ah7i/w4
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Re: Postal money orders are the way to go

Post by Bear »

I thought so too until today ! I I completed a deal over a week ago with a person on here for a Amplifier. Sent a Postal Money Order for $800 to pay the seller. This required my driving across town to post office, standing in line 20 minuets, purchasing a Money Order, paying for express shipping to expedite the delivery of the money order and then waited four days for my response from the seller. This morning I received notice from the seller that he is refusing to complete the sale and returning the Money order ! Great ? I get my money order back and can try to buy another amp. Only problem is I have to wait for it to arrive back. Drive back to the Post Office and file a claim for refund and wait 60 days to get my money back and only at a cost of $16 filing fee ?? A non honorable seller has screwed me royally. I will have to wait up to 2 1/2 months from the start of this to attempt to buy another amp and lose about $30 of out of pocket costs in the process for out of pocket expenses plus my time and gas costs. I am going to look at legal actions against this seller and if possible sue him for this fiasco he has caused me. This comes after contacting three other sellers listing items on QTH and getting no responses from two and the third having already sold his item and not removed it from the site ?? It looks like QTH is a "Lost Cause" ?? What is wrong with people ?
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