Bob, K3AC is a great seller

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Posts: 24
Joined: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:33 am

Bob, K3AC is a great seller

Post by w9mkm »

Just purchased a used Kenwood TS-870 from Bob. Hard to tell it's used. Looks like new. He's also very good packer. We had a lot of back and forths. And he's a really good guy. Shipped the radio very fast. I certainly would recommend Bob, great seller! 73, Mark, W9MKM.
Posts: 28
Joined: Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:11 am

Re: Bob, K3AC is a great seller

Post by k3ac »

It was a pleasure doing business with Mark, W9MKM, who purchased a Kenwood TS-870 from me. We had excellent communications, payment went smoothly and the radio was packed and delivered to his satisfaction. It was a very lot serial No. and in mint condition, so he was very pleased and I was happy to have satisfied his desire for another TS-870, since he had one previously and had sold it. But this one is in better condition, so he was thrilled to get it.
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