Selling Dad’s equipment

Let others help you to determine what a piece of equipment is worth, before you put it up for sale.
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Selling Dad’s equipment

Post by Iracole »

My father passed away and we are interested in selling his equipment. How do I even go about finding a buyer and determining what it is worth?
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Joined: Sat Jul 17, 2021 4:41 pm

Re: Selling Dad’s equipment

Post by ac9xh »

i know this is late,but
1. search ebay, qth classifieds and eham. also gather general radio prices of similar pieces of equipment. Its easier to sell if you have an idea of what its worth. Make a list take pictures and post them when asking questions.
also dont take the first offer if its a "good buddy,"or a "friend of your dads", etc. there are loads of low ballers. out there and they WILL take advantage of your situation and work on your emotions too, just to get a low price .
2. type in the model number on the face of the radio equipment. the front of the gear. that will give you a list of places that will have info on what it sold for and info on what it is selling for.

have a trusted individual test the equipment and dont take less than what its worth. Who knows, you might even want to follow in your dads path and study and get your own license and carry on his traditions as a ham radio operator and honor your dad by putting it to use with your own license.

with the turmoil in the world, you might need his equipment to communicate.

Sorry for your loss.

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