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how to stop rig thieves

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2021 7:16 pm
by ac9xh
push the companies like icom yaesu,kenwood etc to put in a gps tracker circuit. it can only be deactivated with factory pin given to you when purchased. if you sell it to another ham, it willsend out gps info until you send the code to them. if some scum steals it you can locate it by the gps signal since the scum cant turn it off without code. the gps unit would be built into the motherboard.also it will be a good way to locate scam scum with it.
send a radio to them for the money and find out the money bounced or the check not good or the scum lied to you and now has your radio. what to do? trace the location of the radio by gps signal.then call police or better yet pay the scam scum a visit with the sheriff ,or,show them what a baseball bat made from ole hickory will do.

Re: how to stop rig thieves

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 9:02 pm
by N9LCD
Don't post pictures of all the gear in your shack. Don't brag about how many rigs you have.

If they don't know you have it, they can't steal it.

As for built-in gps to locate stolen gear or fraudsters, yeah, it'll help to locate where the gear or fraudster may be. BUT:

Law enforcement won't get involved in recovering lost or stolen cell phones and tablets tracked down by the owner. They don't want to execute a search WITHOUT a search warrant issued by a court.

..."show them what a baseball bat made from ole hickory can do..."

Land you in prison for felony assault and battery, or battery! Your insurance DOES NOT cover liability for crimes you commit.

Re: how to stop rig thieves

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:22 pm
by ac9xh
Really Dont care if i wind up in jail for beating the crap out of a scum thief. Problem with everyone is "ohhhhhh we shouldnt do this ,shouldnt do that, we gonna go to jail blah blah blah.

I will tell you now, ,i dont brag what i have, or bought,since ive always been a "common person" Ive have either built or repaired %80 percent of my gear.
Now for the thieves. Someone comes and takes what i have worked hard for to enjoy , or i have purchased for my family, they better have hospital insurance. good ole hickory baseball bat across the kneecaps will deter any thief from repeat offenses. I hate liars and thieves. And if a person is there to steal from you, they are probably thinking about hurting you also. so a thief gets his knees busted,jaw broken and hands and wrists broken and the hospital winds up wiping their butts for them for a couple of months. BIG DEAL. THE SCUM DESERVED IT.

quit being dependant on the cops all the time. They have enough problems with the scum on the streets having an anttorney who will sue them for looking at them cross eyed. This country wasnt founded on nice. We are obedient to GOD but are not created to be nice. finally ,if i catch a thief in my home or vehicle stealing, they best have hospital insurance and funeral arrangements if they are in my home. And if the courts wont do anyhing, i will. You dont steal another mans hard earned stuff and think you can get away with it.


Re: how to stop rig thieves

Posted: Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:27 pm
by ac9xh
By the way, if you do it right, the scum will either move to another planet or will be too scared to run to the police" ohhhhhh help me im afraid for my safety .I stole over 2000 dollars and ransacked his truck and tore it up and caused about 3000 in damages to his stupid truck and now he wants a piece of my butt.ohhhhhhh help me police help me." If you really do it right?" NO I DIDNT SEE ANYTHING. I GAVE BACK EVERYTHING AND PAID HIM BACK FOR DAMAGES OUT OF MY OWN POCKET. BRUISES AND MISSING TEETH AND BROKEN NOSE? GANG MEMBERS MESSED ME UP FOR SOME MONEY.HAVE A GOOD DAY OFFICER"


Re: how to stop rig thieves

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:34 pm
by w2wtf
ac9xh wrote: Tue Dec 28, 2021 9:22 pm Really Dont care if i wind up in jail for beating the crap out of a scum thief. Problem with everyone is "ohhhhhh we shouldnt do this ,shouldnt do that, we gonna go to jail blah blah blah.

I will tell you now, ,i dont brag what i have, or bought,since ive always been a "common person" Ive have either built or repaired %80 percent of my gear.
Now for the thieves. Someone comes and takes what i have worked hard for to enjoy , or i have purchased for my family, they better have hospital insurance. good ole hickory baseball bat across the kneecaps will deter any thief from repeat offenses. I hate liars and thieves. And if a person is there to steal from you, they are probably thinking about hurting you also. so a thief gets his knees busted,jaw broken and hands and wrists broken and the hospital winds up wiping their butts for them for a couple of months. BIG DEAL. THE SCUM DESERVED IT.

quit being dependant on the cops all the time. They have enough problems with the scum on the streets having an anttorney who will sue them for looking at them cross eyed. This country wasnt founded on nice. We are obedient to GOD but are not created to be nice. finally ,if i catch a thief in my home or vehicle stealing, they best have hospital insurance and funeral arrangements if they are in my home. And if the courts wont do anyhing, i will. You dont steal another mans hard earned stuff and think you can get away with it.

Meh, I don't worry about it. I have a 5 ft fence around my property, the fence is there for your safety because there is a HIGHLY territorial Kangal and Great Pyrenees inside that fence that will ignore any food thrown over if they don't know the person throwing it, if you want to take on 250# of dog, go right ahead. (they DO NOT like strangers) Also the whole house alarm system is a good deterrent as well. As for beating the thief into submission, if they're in your house or on your property and you're in a castle doctrine state, the correct words are, "Officer I found him here breaking in, I tried to run him off and he tried to attack me and now here we are."