No QRZ email address but nice bio - here's what I do.

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Posts: 23
Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2020 2:28 pm

No QRZ email address but nice bio - here's what I do.

Post by AI4FR »

Recently I almost bought an Icom 9700 from a guy claiming to be a ham. He wanted $1300 which is a lot of money to loose if it was a scam. I went to his QRZ page and noticed no email address listed. But he had an awesome bio posted with pictures. So, I asked him why no email address.

The excuse I got was "I do not have an email address listed on my qrz due to security reasons from QRZ alot of scumbags use emails listed on QRZ profile to scam, I've been a victim so I had no option but to remove my email from my profile."

Ok, fair enough I thought so I kindly asked him to prove that he was the ham he claimed to be. I asked him to edit his bio with my call sign or something at the very top of the page and I will buy the 9700. POOF, as fast as that he was gone and I never heard from him again.

So in short, if there is no email address listed at QRZ then kindly ask the seller to edit their QRZ page which is very easily done.

I hope this is helpful to someone and if this post violates the rules then please delete it moderator. I'm simply trying to help others and nothing more.

See you on the air,
John / AI4FR
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