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Posts: 548
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:24 am


Post by W1JCW »

N3AIF LARRY HOROCHOV decided to purchase 5 large cabinets with the pull out drawers containing many misc parts.

I sent many pics of all cabs and listed items.

Guys decided to purchase then doesn't pay full shipping which was half the cost of all these goodies!

Everything from high voltage caps, diodes, 80 drawers labeled with 1/2w and 1 watt resistors over 200 different values in all.
Bulbs plugs connectors.

So Larry N3AIF rips me off about the shipping then wants to whine on here when I didn't even post negative feedback UNTIL NOW.

Avoid this clown, he likes things for free!
73 -

Posts: 548
Joined: Sun Apr 09, 2006 3:24 am


Post by W1JCW »

So this clown post more BS that he knows nothing about below. First of all there is no bad news about me just the normal 1% of clowns that have no manners or smarts. I'm always very clear, have many pics and details.

Lets see 505 feedback post been on here since 2006, this guy N3AIF Larry has 7..hhhmm who is the trouble maker clown who has buyers remorse after
the many pics provided and detail written contents!

There was no demand for the extra shipping, all cabinets weighed 80lbs! so much for missing drawers and junk. I asked politely if he would be so kind
as to send the difference. Nothing rude about that but this guy is a clown and wants to make a big deal when there IS NO ISSUES.
You need to work on your beer gut and man up and admit your a clown and on here trying to scam me for the great deal you got.

There is no foul language allowed in this forum, clean it!!

How about learning proper grammar "and yes I didn't send him more money!!" Whooo where did you get that from red necks are us or did you miss grammar class back in elementary school? I think we are know the answer.

Get a life and stop bothering honest people that have good reputation as I do!

Have more great deals for you Larry come on now buy some more!

Loser comments of have no life below

w1JCW is a scammer!!
He calls me bad news his reputation follows him as a bait and switch artist. He showed me a picture of a couple of cabinets and one drawer of insulators and that was it. I checked his reputation on line and found that he has a lot of questionable dealings about him. But against my better judgement. I went along with the purchase. He quoted me a price for shipping,and I agreed to it. I got the parts boxes and they were literaly filled with hamfest junk floor sweepings and on top of everything there were five drawers missing. And on top of everything he demanded for $20 dollars more for shipping after the fact. Pure junk is what I received !!......I dumped the 50 plus year reisistors and old caps and other scrap and used the cabinets. My mistake, I want with a gut feeling that he was an honest guy....my mistake, I told him to man up and admit to his scam....he turned out to be a pussy about the whole thing, And yes I didn't send him more money....
73 -

Posts: 1
Joined: Tue Apr 02, 2024 9:37 pm


Post by W2DWL1 »

I'm sorry I didn't check the feedback forum, if so I would had heed all the warnings, but I didn't. This is the worst experience I have ever had dealing with another ham.
He purchased a digital meter from me and sent payment rather quickly and I shipped as soon as funds cleared the bank which was the very next day. Well I did ship priority mail and he should of had it in 3 days. So I checked tracing and saw it was delivered to Va. so I figured he would get it 2 day at the most. Well to my surprise the package was sent back to my state, NJ. Now this happened four times, so I called the postal service to register a problem with shipping of the package. I've spent hours and days trying to get this package to Larry. I've call the postal inspector and he agreed to assist. He even stated if the package comes back he will intercept and rebox it and pay for shippment to Larry. That inspector call the facility in Va to see why they keep sending the package back, now reason was given. Now keep in mind I have been keeping Larry in the loop as far as all the phone calls and to let him know I was bend over backwards. Well now this is a problem with the postal service and nothing I did on my part. Well he is very self center person and wants everyone to do for him. But would not do for himself or anyone else. Told me what I did was "fraud". I told him if that was true I'd be in jail by now, but I'm the one trying to solve the issue and he just sits back waiting for his package and then blames me for it all. Ungrateful to a fault he is. SO DON'T DEAL WITH HIM, unless you want aggravation from HELL.
Posts: 9
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:41 pm


Post by n3aif »

W2DWL is a thief. He deliberately put the wrong address multiple times.II contacted the postal inspector in Richmond Va. I was informed that
the package was returned to W2DWL. I've filed a mail fraud case against him and they also advised me to contact the Attorney General
for New Jersey.... I sent all the paper work (e-mails and multiple fake tracking numbers and cancelled check) to NJ Attorney Generals.
That said this guy is slick. His story above is fascinating ....playing the victim when I'm the one whose money has been stolen. Needless to
say W2DWL is a thief.
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