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As of Dec 9, 2013: ONLY BUYERS AND SELLERS directly involved with a transaction can post here. Do not post replies in any topic if you are not the buyer or seller in the transaction being discussed! If you believe you can help the buyer or seller, please use the Private Message system to communicate with them. NOTE: if you have been scammed by someone pretending to be a ham, please post in the Scammer Reports forum instead. See viewtopic.php?f=2&t=136 for additional rules.
Post Reply
Rowland Hghts Radio Club
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:04 pm


Post by Rowland Hghts Radio Club »

Buyers beware!!!
In April 2012 our club responded to a for sale ad here on this web site. The ad was for a IC-775DSP being sold by Julius Summers.

One of our NON-HAM-NON-Voting club members bought the radio for the club. Using his Pay-Pal account.

He paid 1750.00 plus Pay-Pal fees.

Our club got the radio received the radio, but being a club, we did not HAVE time right away to try the radio out. We even discussed selling the radio as we thought it was quite big and didn't have 6 meters.

Additionally, we didn't HAVE any antennas up to try the radio out. Finally a few weeks later we did plan a special meeting night to deploy the radio, we would have a antenna up and a ground system installed!

The radio was carefully removed from its box. Placed on our radio desk/bench area. The power cord was plugged in so was the antenna coax (super flex to a 40 meter inverted vee at 60') and a ground strap was connected.

To our dismay when we pushed the power button, IT DID NOT POWER ON! In fact nothing happened! We all kind of just looked at it expecting something...but nothing at all happened, no pop, no bang, no lights, no not a thing!
We then:
Depressed the power button.
Unplugged the radio.
Checked the fuse.
Checked the ac panel to make sure the ac at the plug was on.
Plugged in another device at the plug to confirm ac.

That evening we sent 2 emails to MR.Summers.
The next morning we called Mr. Summers and left a message.
For the remaining week we continued to attempt to contact mr.Summer. To date Mr.Summers has not RESPONDED!

Our member which paid for the radio contacted his credit card company. His credit card company helped him file a dispute against the charge.

In late June we sold the non working radio to a local ham.

Here's a report from that ham whom is a EE, as to the problem of the radio. In short he reports the radio had a BLOWEN power supply. A condition we all know doesn't take place over night, there are always signs of this problem coming. Mr.Summers, sold a BAD RADIO!!!

Here's the EE's report:

Regarding the condition.
Power supply was completely dead ( originally I expected to see a dead
finals, shorting 30 V power ).
Using a lab 12V power supply, I applied power to receiver and a cpu
part of the radio, and receiver came back to life. I had no 30V power
supply to check transmit. This was the moment when I e-mailed to you
that radio is fixable ( I was very excited that the most expensive and
almost impossible to find CPU parts are not damaged) and I will try
to completely fix it at my next day off.
Well, after that I had a several jobs out of town ( I`m still out of
town) and had only couple of days back home without even a chance to
do anything with the radio.
So, bottom line: power supply is dead, receiver is fully working,
trasmitter, power amp and tuner is not tested.
I did not troubleshoot power supply yet, but I can make some
assumption based on my previous experience of fixing AC PWM power
First, it may be a simple cracked solder connection around some heat
generating components. I seen it very often in a consumer grade
electronics. It could be developing there for a long time and finally
got damaged by some vibrations during shipping.
Second. Some component failure, which may happen anytime (very often
inrush protection resistor or power MOSFETS during power on))
Third. AC voltage spike.
The 30V power line is not shorted, so finals probably OK
There was absolutely no signs of a lighting strike damage or any other
voltage spike at antenna connector.


Respectfully Submitted

Rowland Heights Radio Club
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 8:02 pm

Post by af6vm »

NE6V wrote:

To date our club has not received any response from the seller regarding, giving the original seller of the non-working ic-775dsp all the proceeds from it sale. At yesterdays meeting a member made the following suggestion and the board of directors, agreed with it and I now present this idea:

offer 1: Give Mr. Summers, the original seller all of the proceeds from the sale of the IC-775DSP . This would clear our clubs name...hopefully.

offer #2:
The radio being sold to a local ham whom is a EE, has to our understanding repaired the radio and the radio now operates to the manufactures stated specs.If the current owner agrees, Rowland Heights Radio Club will refund him all monies he paid for the radio, and pay a portion of a reasonable repair bill for repairs made on the radio in question. If this is acceptable to all party's Rowland Heights Radio Club will refund directly to the current owner the price he paid in full and a portion of any repair bill. In turn Mr. Summers, will be responsible for any remaining repair bill and Mr. Summers will be responsible for shipping the radio back to him, those arrangements will be made directly between Mr. Summers and the current owner. I have no idea if the current owner would even consider this idea, but it is worth asking if Mr. Summers is interested.

The Rowland Heights Radio Club request MR.Summer to email any reply / communication regarding these two ideas directly to our BOD at email address:

According to my fathers credit card company this dispute is now resolved and closed. I seem to disagree with the company's depiction and classification of it.

It sounds like its FAR from resolved!

President & Trustee KI6TRI
Rowland Heights Radio Club

Please send emails regarding this isuue directly to the BOD at:
So why are you writing all this now when you are trying to settle with the guy? C'mon dude.

For those that haven't read the whole story:

http://chat.qth.com/viewtopic.php?t=115 ... sc&start=0
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Post by KA9MOT »

Come on Joe NE6V... Now you're posting as this club that may not exist? And so dramatic!
Joe you know you are the scammer. Quit trying to put it on Mr. Summers.

Club indeed!

Liar, Liar, Pants on fire! LOL!
Last edited by KA9MOT on Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Steve - KA9MOT
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:03 am

Post by ken-r1000 »

Here's two important questions...

1) How could your club pay a whopping $1750 for a radio and wait several weeks to even plug it in? If I even paid 1/10 of that amount for a radio, I would at least plug it in the same day of receipt to see if it fired up. That's very poor due diligence on your part and very poor control of handling club funds.

Since the radio was sold to an amateur radio club... I'm going to take a long shot and "presume" that at least one member has an HF antenna that could have been used to test the radio... especially a radio of this dollar amount. Surely your members are active radio operators... right?

2) Your club sold the radio. How can you ask for ANY compensation for something you no longer own? The matter with the radio and its problems now lies between you and the new owner... not previous owners.

If the CC company "really" settles, or has settled, in your favor... that's a grave injustice... and, if I were the original seller, wouldn't take this lying down given how you've fully admitted selling the radio.
Last edited by ken-r1000 on Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 282
Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:40 pm

Post by KA9MOT »

ken-r1000 wrote:Here's two important questions...

1) How could your club pay a whopping $1750 for a radio and wait several weeks to even plug it in? If I even paid 1/10 of that amount for a radio, I would at least plug it in the same day of receipt to see if it fired up. That's very poor due diligence on your part and very poor control of handling club funds.

2) Your club sold the radio. How can you ask for ANY compensation for something you no longer own? The matter with the radio and its problems now lies between you and the new owner... not previous owners.

If the CC company "really" settles, or has settled, in your favor... that's a grave injustice... and, if I were the original seller, wouldn't take this lying down given how you've fully admitted selling the radio.
Hi Ken,
This wil probably clear that up for you:

http://chat.qth.com/viewtopic.php?t=115 ... sc&start=0
Steve - KA9MOT
Posts: 19
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Location: CM88xf

I want to join the club

Post by N6YM »

Hello, I have sent the below email to your club inbox and have not to date received a reply. Could you please send me a reply soon as vast real estate fortunes are in the balance waiting for a reply??
Ed, N6YM

Rowland Heights Radio Club membership
MONDAY, july 30, 2012 1:18 PM
From: "Ed" <n6ym>
To: board.ki6tri@charter.net

I have been recently contemplating a move from Northern California
to Southern California. I have had a real estate agent investigating
suitable properties for me and my hobbies in the area of Rowland Heights.
Of course, among my hobbies is Ham Radio.

So I am curious about the Rowland Heights Radio Club, and hope you can answer my questions about the club.

Where is the clubhouse? Where do you hold the meetings?
Who are the amateurs who make up the board of directors?
Who are the officers of the club?
Does the club have a website? What is the address?
What equipment does the club currently use for its Ham Radio activities?
Does the club actively compete in Field Day activities?
Do you have any pictures of the clubs last Field Day?
(I'm really big into public service.)
Do you have a list of the club members? ( I hesitate to ask this, but I have joined clubs in the past that had other members which I would not share common breathing space with...they had really bad B.O.)
Does the club have a communications van to do public service?
Does the club have a really cool patch which I can place on my jacket?

I may have more questions later, but those should do for now.
As stated, I may be moving to SoCal soon, so would need this information in order to better place my extensive ham radio collection of equipment which includes vintage Collins, Hallicrafters, Drake, and Heathkit mint radios. I'm still looking for a permanent home for this collection.

73 Ed N6YM
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 8:02 pm

Post by af6vm »

umm.. looks like the majority of it is exactly on topic.
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Re: Where are the Moderators?

Post by kk9a »

K9XR wrote:It is AMAZING thre is no "OFF TOPIC" moderation on this one. Are all these guys involved in this transaction? I'm just wondering.
According to the rules this entire thread should be delete since Rowland Hghts Radio Club was not the buyer.
julius summers
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:32 pm


Post by julius summers »

Mr Vega you tarnished my impecable reputation in the Ham community.You have called me a SCAMMER, A LIAR AND A CHEAT. I was asked not to comment on the forum by Pay Pal while the investigation was ongoing concerning the Icom 775dsp radio that was sent to the Rowland Heights Radio Club. But make no mistake Mr Vega your reckless and damaging remaks about my good name will not be taken litely by me or the many Hams who know me personally.Because of the damaging remarks concerning my caracter i must reply.THIS IS THE TRUTH THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH. On or about April the 3rd 2012 i received a phone call from a Mr Ralphy Vegas about a Icom 775dsp radio that i had listed on QTH . Mr Vegas asked was the radio in perfect working condition which i assured him it was. Mr Vegas said he wanted to purchase the radio for the Rowland Heights Radio Club and gave the address where to send the radio. He said he was going to pay for the radio with Pay Pal and would pay the fees. I agreed to send the radio the next day and pay the freight and insurance on the radio. The next day a fellow ham came to my home to help pack and ship the radio in the original factory shipping containers. Before the radio was packed it was put on the air and fully checked out by me and fellow ham. Checked into the Maritime Mobile Emergency Net which i do so on a regular basis on this radio. The radio performed flawlessly. Took the radio to Fed Ex for shipment. The radio was delivered on April 9th and signed for by a Mr Vega according to Fed EX.. At no time was i contacted by Ralphy Vegas , you , your father or any member of that radio club either by phone or email concerning any problem with the radio. The first i knew of any problem was when i was sent an email by Pay Pal saying that my account had been charged $1750 because of a dispute with a Ralphy Vegas. I immediately contacted Pay Pal to find out the problem. I was told Ralpy Vegas refused to pay his credit card bill because of a problem with the radio i had sold him. This was on July 5th allmost 3 months after the radio was shipped to the Rowland Heights RAdio Club. Not a word from you or any CLUB MEMBER. by phone or email. MR VEGA THIS IS THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH . I am a man of my word and you will not be forgotten. I strongly suggest that you remove the damaging remarks you made about me in your posts. That is all i have to say for now jp summers w5rim
Last edited by julius summers on Thu Aug 02, 2012 9:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
julius summers
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:32 pm


Post by julius summers »

Mr Vega i was planning on visiting your lovely state in the near future and was planning on attending a meeting at the Rowland Heights Radio Club while i was in town. I looked the address of the club up to get directions.The address is listed as 2656 Blandford Dr. Is this address correct? When i googled the address i was sent to a sight that listed this property as being for sale. It is a familly dwelling that is empty. You stated that the club erected a 40 meter antenna, i dont see any antennas or furniture, the dwelling seems to be abandoned. Surely not , how could you hold club meetings in an abandoned dwelling? Perhaps the club address is other than where the radio was sent. You can check this out. I have to Muliple Listing Service number if you or anyone else would like to check it out. I certainly hope this is some mistake. I really, really wanted to visit the CLUB,perhaps even join while i was in town. Please let me know if this is some sort of terrible mistake. The MLS number is H12095094 . Thats all for now Mr Vega, you take care you hear. jp summers w5rim
Last edited by julius summers on Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
julius summers
Posts: 17
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Post by julius summers »

MR VEGA I FORGOT TO ASK IS RALPHY VEGAS YOUR FATHER? The reason i ask is because you claim your father bought the radio for the CLUB, and the person i talked to on the phone said his name was Ralphy Vegas. The credit card was in Ralplhy Vegas. WHO IS RALPY VEGAS???????? This is the gentleman who purchased my beautiful radio and refused to pay for it. Please let me know if Ralphy Vegas is your father.
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Ralph Vega

Post by kk9a »

Is this the same Ralph Vega? https://www.wepay.com/donations/1994

Hello, my father Ralph Vega has worked for 70 years many years two jobs a day, but sadly has no savings and his medical insurance he worked for 30 years + to get WILL NOT cover a home health nurse and Medicare of course will not cover it. The sad part of this story is my mom and da have been married for 65 YEARS, that is right 65 years!! My mom can no longer care for my dad who is suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease , he's blind, has a feeding tube and is suffering from dementia.On November 23, 2011 sadly my father was moved from the family home in Alhambra to a State Run hospital in Baldwin Park, Ca. Even worse my mom and his wife for 65 years can not drive at night and she can not take the freeways. My poor mother without her best friend truly her LIFE PARTNER is at a lost. I'm trying to sell my home, it is on the market. I'm furloughed from my job since July of this year. So I can not pay the 1900.00 a month for a home health nurse. Please please can anyone help my family!! We can verify all facts stated here within. I will gladly give the hospitals name in Baldwin Park that my dad is in. It is on Frasquito Ave in Baldwin Park and is the only State Hospital there. My daddy's name is Ralph Vega and he just turned 83 on November 14. Please I know things are tough right now but here is a real honest need for help. My dad served in the US Army during the Korean War. He is a second generation American please someone help us!

julius summers
Posts: 17
Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:32 pm


Post by julius summers »

Mr Vega on July 01 you stated in your nasty post about me that the CLUB had a meeting and one of the members made a suggestion. Did this meeting occur in the clubhouse at 2656 Blandford dr Rowland Heights CA???? All the members must have brought folding chairs and tables since there is no furniture in the dwelling. Must have been awfully warm also. I must be really confused about several things. Please reply Mr Vega. DELETE THE POSTS WHICH TRY TO DESTROY MY GOOD NAME MR VEGA======CREDIT MY PAY PAL ACCOUT FOR THE $1750 . ======THIS IS NOT GOING AWAY MR VEGA. Perhaps you can tell i am very unhappy about all of this. You dont have a clue about how unhappy i really am. jp summers w5rim
Posts: 282
Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:40 pm

Post by KA9MOT »

kk9a wrote:Is this the same Ralph Vega? https://www.wepay.com/donations/1994

Hello, my father Ralph Vega has worked for 70 years many years two jobs a day, but sadly has no savings and his medical insurance he worked for 30 years + to get WILL NOT cover a home health nurse and Medicare of course will not cover it. The sad part of this story is my mom and da have been married for 65 YEARS, that is right 65 years!! My mom can no longer care for my dad who is suffering from advanced Parkinson's disease , he's blind, has a feeding tube and is suffering from dementia.On November 23, 2011 sadly my father was moved from the family home in Alhambra to a State Run hospital in Baldwin Park, Ca. Even worse my mom and his wife for 65 years can not drive at night and she can not take the freeways. My poor mother without her best friend truly her LIFE PARTNER is at a lost. I'm trying to sell my home, it is on the market. I'm furloughed from my job since July of this year. So I can not pay the 1900.00 a month for a home health nurse. Please please can anyone help my family!! We can verify all facts stated here within. I will gladly give the hospitals name in Baldwin Park that my dad is in. It is on Frasquito Ave in Baldwin Park and is the only State Hospital there. My daddy's name is Ralph Vega and he just turned 83 on November 14. Please I know things are tough right now but here is a real honest need for help. My dad served in the US Army during the Korean War. He is a second generation American please someone help us!

Looks like he was dieing just a couple of months before he bought that rig.... He must have mad ea remarkable recovery! A miracle even....

My dad served in the US Army during the Korean War. He is a second generation American please someone help us!.
As I learned when my mother, who served as a WAC during the Korean War, fought and lost her battle with Cancer, Mr. Vegas would certainly be able to get medical care from the VA. They payed for my mom's hospice as well.

Looks like Joe is trying to scam on different fronts.
Last edited by KA9MOT on Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Steve - KA9MOT
Posts: 282
Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:40 pm


Post by KA9MOT »

julius summers wrote:Mr Vega on July 01 you stated in your nasty post about me that the CLUB had a meeting and one of the members made a suggestion. Did this meeting occur in the clubhouse at 2656 Blandford dr Rowland Heights CA???? All the members must have brought folding chairs and tables since there is no furniture in the dwelling. Must have been awfully warm also. I must be really confused about several things. Please reply Mr Vega. DELETE THE POSTS WHICH TRY TO DESTROY MY GOOD NAME MR VEGA======CREDIT MY PAY PAL ACCOUT FOR THE $1750 . ======THIS IS NOT GOING AWAY MR VEGA. Perhaps you can tell i am very unhappy about all of this. You dont have a clue about how unhappy i really am. jp summers w5rim
That would be the address listed under the club call....Here is what Google Maps has:


Joe, you guys need to clean up your clubhouse... It looks trashed out and abandoned........

OH, Look somebody cleaned it up, and it is for sale..... It is true! There is no furniture!

http://www.redfin.com/CA/Rowland-Height ... me/7863048

No other hams are listed at that address. There is another club listed for Rowland Heights........SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AMATEUR RADIO DIGITAL CLUB, 1426 DELAMERE DRIVE, ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA..... Maybe I'll see if I can contact them.
Steve - KA9MOT
julius summers
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Post by julius summers »

Mr Vega after looking at the property i dont think i care to join the Rowland Heights Radio Club,looks very poorly maintained,no antenna , radios etc. If the location of the club has changed be sure you notify the FCCA about the change of address of the CLUBS location. This is very necessary acccording to the FCCC. Would not want you to lose your license.Keep everyone especially me concerning the new location of the Rowland Heights Radio Club. Mr Vega you are not blind are you? If you are 83 your dad must be really old. Take care now . jp summers w5rim
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Location: MADISON,MS


Post by W5AAT »

Well, there DOES appear to be an antenna mount on the right hand corner of the roof. Maybe that's where the 40m test antenna was attached when the radio was "presented" to all of the "members." Just tryin' to help out here.
Todd / WA5XX (ex W5AAT)
Rowland Hghts Radio Club
Posts: 3
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:04 pm

pay pal has your money

Post by Rowland Hghts Radio Club »


Posts: 2
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Post by Silly_Me »

The matter will be done with only after the person you ripped off posts a message that says he got his money back, not when you decide it's over with.
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Post by W5AAT »

julius summers
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Post by julius summers »

DONE WITH?????? I DONT THINK SO. NO WAY,JOSE Just check my paypal account,nice try though. Still $1750 charged to my account.Wonder what happened this time. jp summers w5rim
julius summers
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Post by julius summers »

Mr Vega i still need to know who is Ralphy Vegas, the reason being the credit card is a Ralphy Vegas name. Please reply to this . My paypal account has not been credited. You say your father bought the radio from me. Then his name must be Ralphy Vegas correct????? I hate to keep asking the same question over and over,but Ralphy Vegas is the name of the person who contacted me and whose name the credit card is in that refuse to pay for the beautiful radio that was delivered to The Rowland Heights Radio Club and signed for by you the President.of the club. Please reply . This time truthfully. Thaks for help in this matter
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Re: pay pal has your money

Post by KA9MOT »


If this is the truth....... Why did you post this on July 28, 2012?
ne6v wrote:To date our club has not received any response from the seller regarding, giving the original seller of the non-working ic-775dsp all the proceeds from it sale. At yesterdays meeting a member made the following suggestion and the board of directors, agreed with it and I now present this idea:

offer 1: Give Mr. Summers, the original seller all of the proceeds from the sale of the IC-775DSP . This would clear our clubs name...hopefully.

offer #2:
The radio being sold to a local ham whom is a EE, has to our understanding repaired the radio and the radio now operates to the manufactures stated specs.If the current owner agrees, Rowland Heights Radio Club will refund him all monies he paid for the radio, and pay a portion of a reasonable repair bill for repairs made on the radio in question. If this is acceptable to all party's Rowland Heights Radio Club will refund directly to the current owner the price he paid in full and a portion of any repair bill. In turn Mr. Summers, will be responsible for any remaining repair bill and Mr. Summers will be responsible for shipping the radio back to him, those arrangements will be made directly between Mr. Summers and the current owner. I have no idea if the current owner would even consider this idea, but it is worth asking if Mr. Summers is interested.

The Rowland Heights Radio Club request MR.Summer to email any reply / communication regarding these two ideas directly to our BOD at email address:

According to my fathers credit card company this dispute is now resolved and closed. I seem to disagree with the company's depiction and classification of it.

It sounds like its FAR from resolved!

President & Trustee KI6TRI
Rowland Heights Radio Club

Please send emails regarding this isuue directly to the BOD at:
Steve - KA9MOT
Posts: 62
Joined: Mon May 10, 2010 8:02 pm

Post by af6vm »

For Julius:

Los Angeles County Sheriff Rowland Hghts Service Ctr
1723 Fullerton Rd
Rowland Heights, CA 91748
district: Rowland Heights
(626) 965-6627

And this one below seems to be a do-nothing agency, but you have nothing to lose:


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Post by af6vm »

For Ralphy, or Joe, or Jose, or whoever you think you are this week:

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