Package from KA9MOT

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Post by kk4aq »

ive said my peice. i think this whole thing is 1 big cluster #$^%. i think if people would have minded their own business things might have turned out different. but who knows. i think nate stuck his nose in something that was none of his business and went overboard with his actions. since i didnt see the original ad on here i dont know about the filters. but if the rig was sold with filters they should be included. but i do think someone owes someone for shipping the rig to nate. im one who doesnt beleive in kicking a dog when its down. and thats all i got to say !!
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Post by lhk0pd »

I'll keep most of my thoughts about this whole affair as it is finishing out, but am curious as why Adrian who only wanted his radio, and what had happened, and asked for help from a American friend should be punished by not receiving the filters as was told. That's all i'll say other than if Steve wants to go after anyone then it should be Nate, and not Adrian as he only did what anyone else would do being as he is in Romania dealing with a out of country sale.
Larry Huff K0pd
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Post by W6GQ »

KA9MOT wrote:
n5qmg wrote:
KA9MOT wrote:
I also passed along Adrian's request that the Customs Forms be filled out Fraudulently by checking "Gift" along with screenshots of Nate's admission that he does check the "Gift" box or fraudulently writes "Parts" in the description along with his claim that it doesn't matter because Customs Fee (VAT) doesn't matter on Used Amateur Radio gear, to Romanian Customs I don't know what will come of this, but I personally hope both get their Just Rewards
I've seen this thrown around quite a bit with this transaction Steve is dealing with.

I asked my "tax guy" about this, actually he is my brother who is a tax accountant and he just likes when I say, "my tax guy"

Marking as a "gift" for customs is a way to get the item cheaper by not paying the V.A.T (Value added Tax).

It is similar when we (US Citizens) buy things online in the USA from another state and we do not pay sales tax. Like a California resident buying an Icom IC-706MKIIG from AES Las Vegas, no sales tax charged.

Despite what you sometimes hear, however, some Internet sales are subject to sales tax, and even when a site doesn't collect sales tax, consumers are technically responsible for remitting any unpaid sales tax on online purchases directly to their state.

Does that make either situation OK? I never said that, I just wanted to put it into perspective a little.

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Re: TAh DAh

Post by KA9MOT »

NA6TE wrote:The package has been shipped to Romania and thanks to Steve I could honestly say it was a gift. He sure as hell didn't pay me for it.
As far as the filters go the following is the original email:
The response is from:

Name: Steven Hays Sr
Callsign: KA9MOT

The response is:

Have you found your Yaesu FT-857D yet? I have one that I purchased brand new this winter (Jan, 2011)for sale. It comes with all stock accessories (Bracket, Mic, Power Cord, manual) but no box. Also it has the CW and SSB filters installed. It also comes with the remote mount kit for the faceplate.

I'm selling th rig for $750 and it looks like USPS Flat Rate Priority Mail to Romania would be $69.60 insured. Shipping would take 10 days from me to you.

Steve KA9MOT
Now I don't know where it says "if you want to buy the rig send money and I will remove the filters" I inspected the board where the filters where supposed to be installed with a magnifying glass and there has NEVER been any filters installed in that radio. Absolutely NO marks what so ever. Steve you also said YOU bought new in Jan 2011 then changed your story that you bought it from another ham that bought it in Jan.
I told you, once you start lying you need to take notes because you have to remember what lies you've told.

In my opinion you are a Sociopath and in case you don't know what that means you can read the following.
>Glibness and Superficial Charm

>Manipulative and Conning
They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. They appear to be charming, yet are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

>Grandiose Sense of Self
Feels entitled to certain things as "their right."

>Pathological Lying Has no problem lying coolly and easily and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. Can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities. Extremely convincing and even able to pass lie detector tests.

>Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt
A deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, is at their core. Does not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

>Callousness/Lack of Empathy
Unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

Not concerned about wrecking others' lives and dreams. Oblivious or indifferent to the devastation they cause. Does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.

As far as Adrain and I are concerned this situation is a done deal and the moderator may lock when ever deamed necessary.

Other than your good buddy's on the other forum, I think everyone else has seen your true colors.

I'm sure I will get castigated here for awhile but what I have seen come out of that group, it is usually childish, calling people names or just flat not making any sense.

Good Luck in the future Steve.
WOW! Thanks for the diagnosis....and here I was thinking you were a bully..........
Steve - KA9MOT
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Post by KA9MOT »

k0pd wrote:I'll keep most of my thoughts about this whole affair as it is finishing out, but am curious as why Adrian who only wanted his radio, and what had happened, and asked for help from a American friend should be punished by not receiving the filters as was told. That's all i'll say other than if Steve wants to go after anyone then it should be Nate, and not Adrian as he only did what anyone else would do being as he is in Romania dealing with a out of country sale.
Adrian initiated all this. Not because he wanted his radio but because he wanted to avoid his customs fees and asked me to check Gift and NOT INSURE the rig, My major mistake was losing the paperwork. That was a HUGE Mistake and one I will never make again.

Adrian tells Nate that I am not answering emails, and then I say I haven't received any since I shipped the rig.
Meanwhile Nate has entered into a pissing match with another Ham and posts an email I sent to Adrian, which Adrian has added to the bottom,
" I did not receive radio and not true, I wrote emails to which he responded.
Thanks so much for help!
Adrian "
So right from the start we have lies on Adrian's part. You'll find that in the other thread. Go read it. Apparently you missed it the first time.

I believe and have as much proof as Adrian and Nate have that this whole thing was an attempt to get me to refund so that Adrian could use the money to pay the VAT and obtain a free rig....The Detective these birds tried to use as leverage agreed with me.

Actually, I have more proof then then they do.

1. Adrian's request for the "Gift" box to be checked

2. Adrian's request that I not buy insurance.

3. The regular demands for refund via email, and even the one Nate forgot he posted in the other thread when he said that "nobody" had asked for a refund.

Despite Nate's claims that the VAT does not apply on Used Amateur Radio equipment, he first explained in detail that he routinely violates the law in this and other countries by falsely declaring value and contents because of the VAT.

I do not know what the amount of Tax is on a $750 rig in Romania, but it has to be a substantial amount if a BUYER ASKS FOR NO INSURANCE!

Think about it. Adrian had everything to do with this.

Nate only shows you the emails he wants you to see. You only have 2/3 of the story.

I made a simple mistake (Lost Paperwork) and payed for that by being Nate's whipping boy for almost 2 months. I have plenty of reason to be angry with both of them.

But that is how I see it but Nate, my new doctor told me I am a Sociopath........your mileage may vary.
Last edited by KA9MOT on Sat Jul 16, 2011 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Steve - KA9MOT
Posts: 282
Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 4:40 pm

Post by KA9MOT »

Mistake in editing.
Steve - KA9MOT
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Post by w0bkr »

Is this a pi$$ing contest or is there an actual issue here? Perhaps I am blind, but you start off your posting with complaining something isn't concreted in a shipping box. I have had items come to me sliding around in the box, which doesn't automatically mean the item is damaged. Check it out, verify its condition before you open your Xmas present...

Please, be specific in your postings...hard to follow just what your REAL issue is here... :shock:
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Post by lhk0pd »

You know what Steve after going back and reading the start of all this i now see things a little different. I got caught up in the later stages of this and formed a opinion from that. But after reading the begining and see it develope into a your a liar and damn the facts. I'll simply state your version of events never changed and you were man enough from the start to admit error. I have friends working for the post office and they would never give the info nate asked for over the phone to a unauthorized person not affiliated in some way with the post office. I worked for Airborne Express later after being bought out by DHL and we delivered a lot of packages to the Post Office and when ever i had a rural delivery in which i could not locate the party the Post Office would not give me directions as it was against postal regulations to give out personal info to other than Other Postal employees or law enforcement. So i question Nates story that the Post office said what he says they said. So Steve if you feel justified in not giving Adrian the filters i'll just leave that on you and say no more... 73's.....
Larry Huff K0pd
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Post by kg8lb »

Claimed errors may be excuses to avoid admitting another error.
Failing to ship the filters that were part of the sale is an intentional error.
Admitting to an obvious error is fine if you are willing to right that error.
Asking to subvert the fees is an error that works against a third party, the buyer's government. That error does not relieve the seller from his commitment to deliver as sold and paid for.

The seller failing to provide adequate shipping documents and responses to emails is an error that pretty much started the whole mess.
The buyer can only send emails. When there is no response he usually has no way to know why.... SPAM filters are to emails what dogs were to homework assignments.
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Agree (almost)

Post by w8jn »

You are right on with all but one issue. If an international buyer asks me to list a rig as "gift" or "parts", that negates the ability to insure it. I am willing to do so, however, if the rig is lost, damaged or destroyed, I cannot make a claim. If the buyer is willing to risk "losing it all" I am willing to follow his request. I am not going to take a $2000 hit because the buyer wanted to save a few $$$.
NOW...... With that said, I document everything and save the documentation. There is never an argument or misunderstanding. My "practice wife", ex cfo for an international communications co., always said "If it's not in writing, it does not exist".
ALSO.... If a package arrives damaged conus, it's the sellers responsibility to make the buyer whole. I refund the buyers money instantly and deal with the claim after the refund.
Best 73 and Happy Hoss Trading! Paul w8jn
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Post by kg8lb »

Thanks Paul, Sounds right to me . Especially the part about "If not in writing, it does not exist" That IS the bottom line !
I was referring to the failure to deliver the filters as originally offered in this case. The insurance part is well taken. Then again the proof of shipping is still on the seller. Of course,the "gift" status applies to Paypal payments and the efforts to avoid fees there as well . However, insurance in that case is still a viable option.

BTW : You are among the few I would send a money order off to :wink:
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We Agree

Post by w8jn »

There are about 1/2 dozen hams on this site that I would ship to prior to receiving money. I dont want to list them because I will probably forget someone and hurt their feelings. We only have our reputation and that allows us to swap and sell here.
Steve is not a crook. He simply made a number of errors. We ALL make similar errors. People who make things right enjoy a great reputation. I buy from Lowes. If a problem arises with a product, I simply take it back and they refund my money no questions asked. That's why I am a loyal customer of Lowes.
With all of the finger pointing, Steve can still make this right and walk away looking like the good guy. I used to have an Icom 706mk2g. The filters were about
$80 each new. I think $40 @ used is a good price. According to Nate the rig works, however Steve's own admission is that he was not the "first owner purchased new" as the ad implied. What's a fair depreciation? If the rig is 100% electrically, probably $75?
Our opinion does not matter. Steve will be judged by how he resolves this situation. Winning a pissing contest with us is without value. His reputation is the only question.
Happy Hoss Trading! Paul w8jn
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Re: We Agree

Post by W4LTD »

w8jn wrote:Gary,
I buy from Lowes. If a problem arises with a product, I simply take it back and they refund my money no questions asked. That's why I am a loyal customer of Lowes.
Paul, I buy from Lowe's maybe once a year, but they still refund my money when I have a return. I prefer Home Depot... =)
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Post by lhk0pd »

Paul your absolutely correct that Steve is not a crook. I admit at first i had my doubts to his character but after going back and rereading Steves initial responces to all this i realized i had jumped the Gun in my assessment . Steves problem as it turned out was something i feel could happen to many of us. He went to a Funeral that was a good distant drive and Mailed the package. In the emotional situation he was in instead of putting the Paperwork in the vehicle glove box for instance he with out thinking left it laying any number of places. Hence it became second thought and ended up lost. He assumed because he had not heard back from Adrian that Adrian had received the radio and all was well. Well as Paul Harvey used to say now for the rest of the story. Steve admitted his errors and much of it is understandable. Like i said in another post the Filters are on him so what else is there to say about it all. And we do not not have a Loews or Home Depot in my city so i do know Walmart has never been a problem for me to get a refund.
Larry Huff K0pd
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Post by w8jn »

Every city with a population of more than 6 people have a McDonalds, Burger King, Walmart, Lowes and Home Depot! Where the heck do you live?
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Post by lhk0pd »

Paul we have Mexican restaurants and a couple of Mexican stores not counting the one or two tortilla bakeries(were 60% Hispanic) but no Lowes or Home Depot. We have a Mead Lumber company. I live in Dodge City Kansas. There is a Home Depot in Garden City 50 miles west from us. Oh yes of course the fast foods places you mentioned but were only 30,000 here if you count the illegals.
Larry Huff K0pd
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Post by W4LTD »

So don't the 18,000 illegals need Home Depot's or Lowe's?
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Post by lhk0pd »

18,000 not hardly maybe 2,000 being as the meat packing plants here have replaced most of them with somalians,and somalians are too cheap to fix anything.Whats so great about a lowes or Home depot any way as our Lumber and hardware store's do just fine.
Larry Huff K0pd
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Re: TAh DAh

Post by W3WN »

NA6TE wrote:<snip>
Other than your good buddy's on the other forum, I think everyone else has seen your true colors.

I'm sure I will get castigated here for awhile but what I have seen come out of that group, it is usually childish, calling people names or just flat not making any sense.
Speaking of true colors, yours are self-evident; there's no need to expound on them here or over on the Island.

Disparaging others before they MIGHT say something against you may look like a pre-emptive strike, but it only brings a Shakespeare quote to mind:
Thou dost protesteth too much!
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Post by KK7AZ »

I really wish Scott or Al would end these worthless bloggs......... they make QTH Look Stupid. This site has become a dumping ground for misfits, nothing to do with ham radio beyond the second post. It's the same 4 or 5 lonely people posting, then waiting for replys.......... then they get into Lowes-homedepot, and Mexicans. Read this blog from the start and you'll see what I mean, other sites don't have this problem, they stopped it years ago. I see a lot of the old timers have started selling on another site, their tired of all the neg comments and the crap. What was done to Radio-Mart was a joke, 18000 sales on ebay with less than 1% complaints, and the 4 or 5 misfits took off on him. "What a Joke" Now the misfits will fire back at me "If you don't like it don;t read it" You know what..... You're right. 73's
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Post by KS4ED »

KK7AZ... the best post of any! Right to the point and right to the truth!
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Re: Bla-Bla-Bla

Post by W6GQ »

The drama brings traffic, traffic looks at the ads. Not saying it is a good practice, I cannot think why there is any other reason these fights and comments are allowed with people who are not even involved in the transaction......... freedom of speech? Not hardly

Standing by for sneering comment from Al, one of the 4 or 5 lonely people posting

KK7AZ wrote:I really wish Scott or Al would end these worthless bloggs......... they make QTH Look Stupid. This site has become a dumping ground for misfits, nothing to do with ham radio beyond the second post. It's the same 4 or 5 lonely people posting, then waiting for replys.......... then they get into Lowes-homedepot, and Mexicans. Read this blog from the start and you'll see what I mean, other sites don't have this problem, they stopped it years ago. I see a lot of the old timers have started selling on another site, their tired of all the neg comments and the crap. What was done to Radio-Mart was a joke, 18000 sales on ebay with less than 1% complaints, and the 4 or 5 misfits took off on him. "What a Joke" Now the misfits will fire back at me "If you don't like it don;t read it" You know what..... You're right. 73's

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Post by lhk0pd »

KK7AZ just think all these postings gave you the opportunity to grace us with your self righteous opinion.
Larry Huff K0pd
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Post by KS4ED »

K0PD.... that's being just a little righteous yourself!
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Re: Bla-Bla-Bla

Post by kg8lb »

We really want the scammers to be lonely . The fewer the better. The good thing is the scammers often betray their identities by supporting each other in a public forum. :wink:

Virtual "Feedback" by association ....