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Larry Huff K0pd you owe phil zavagli ai4dq an apology

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:22 pm
by w8jn
Larry Huff K0pd , with all due respect you are way out of line and owe phil an apology. i have known him for years. he is an honest straight shooting ham from louisvilli ky. you can take to the bank anything he says. he has an ftone in excellent shape with extra parts that are not available anymore. who are you to jump in from outer space and tell someone his price is too high when you have no intention to buy. you just have to stick your nose in someones auction where your comments are not asked for nor are they welcome. YOU OWE PHIL AN APOLOGY.
best 73 paul w8jn

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:03 am
by lhk0pd
Paul if i was the one who got out of line in the beginning i would be more than willing to do as you suggest. I never insulted him at the start nor the end. He is the one who got all defensive and started a argument. I told him that i thought his price was to high and doubtfull if any one would pay that. My original intention when i first asked him why the high price was under the assumption he had made a typo and was bringing the price to his attention. It was he who got bent out of shape and more or less challenged me by saying i was hiding behind my computer and would not say it to his face. I still do not know what brought that on but any one who knows me will tell you that i bend over in my honesty and fear no man and will apologize when i am wrong. I'm not perfect nor claim to be, you say he's a great guy well fine he's a great guy but he did not come across that way to me and when some one is that defensive it makes me at least suspicious as to why. You say i butted in well that is not what happened and it all honesty i would say your speaking out of turn as you put your self into the middle of all this and butted in. Would you like to see the the e mail exchange as i can supply it if my trash bin still has it..Oh by the way how do you know whether i had intentions of buying it or not as i've owned two of them previously and always thought they were great radios ,of course after his attitude i would never bought it from him.

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:34 am
by lhk0pd
Paul i stated in my response to you if i felt i was wrong i would apologize and after writing my previous response i after rereading Phils ad this time all of it as before i thought just the first part was all there was to the ad but i am wrong.If i had read the whole ad none of this would have happened so now i can see why Phil felt offended after he had explained his price so well towards the second half of his ad. The way it went down is true but it should never have ever happened so i have sent him a apology and am doing so here and will do so on my original remarks....Larry Huff K0pd


Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:38 am
by w8jn
larry, as i said.... who in the heck are you to tell someone their price is to high and then PLACE A WARNING ON QTH to LOOK OUT FOR THIS GUY????? does the world need you to warn them that the price is to high and everyone is to stupid to make judgement for themselves? if phil asked $10,000 for it , what business is it of yours and who are you to advise the world that the price is to high? the market sets the price. if its to high, no one will buy! they dont need you to tell them and if you butted into one of my sales to give me your opinion (that i didnt ask for) i would also tell you where to get off!
everyone out here has listed a sale and had some nosy busybody who had zero intention of buying have the obsessive compulsive need to tell them their price is too high. ARE YOU THE PRICE POLICE? if not, i suggest in the future when you see a grossly overpriced item, you just DONT BUY IT and move on. the seller isnt interested in your opinion.
best 73 and happy hoss trading!
ps... if phil sent you a snippy rude remark, you started it, its between you and phil. what right do you have bringing it here. is this your way of getting satisfaction after phil witch slapped you?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:13 am
by kg4mlo

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 2:39 pm
by lhk0pd
Paul i thought at first you were only defending a friend but am i wrong there.You apparently do not know when to let it just go as thats what i'm going to do. Phil accepted my Apology i deleted my Original post. Since you felt like it was your bound duty to ad your opinion let me simply state in all due respect your pompous.


Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 3:32 pm
by w8jn
yes i am out of my cage again and pompous? call me whatever you wish. some people considered robin hood a thief and some thought of him as a generous caring man. all depends upon your perspective. you have decided i am pompous? i'll wear your label with pride. and yes, phil emailed me and indicated you apologized to him. that was a good thing to do and that shows you have integrity..
best 73 paul w8jn